Democratic Socialist Movement

For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism in Nigeria

By - DSM

Which Way Forward for the Workers’ Movement in Nigeria?

Which Way Forward for the Workers’ Movement in Nigeria? By Ayo Ademiluyi Almost every day it is becoming clearer and clearer that the workers’ movement in Nigeria requires a radical revival as the movement is in a parlous state. At a time when a new economic crisis is developing, tens of thousands of workers are not being paid, tens of

By - DSM

Nigeria’s Economic Crisis Deepens

Nigeria’s Economic Crisis Deepens By Peluola Adewale The Nigerian economy is not yet out of the woods. Though the official report from the third quarter has not been released, nothing suggests we have already seen the worst with the last quarter report. More than anything, it appears that high oil price, the major driver of the growth of the last

By - DSM

CHANGE: Through Reform or Revolution?

CHANGE: Through Reform or Revolution? By H.T. Soweto Five months (5) after its inauguration, the Buhari government which was swept into power in an historic election continues to enjoy perhaps the most widespread support any government has ever had. After 16 years of brutal assault on living standards and democratic rights and serial corruption by the former ruling People’s Democratic