Venezuela: The Constituent Assembly and tasks for revolutionaries Combat the counter-revolution with socialist, not capitalist policies Izquierda Revolucionaria and Socialismo Revolucionario (CWI in Venezuela) On 1 May, President Nicolas Maduro announced the calling of a Constituent Assembly, “to achieve peace the Republic needs…. to defeat the fascist coup… so that it will be the people and their sovereignty which impose
International Women’s Day 2017 A century on from the Russian Revolution Demonstrations world-wide swelled by anti-Trump anger By Clare Doyle, Committee for a Workers’ International International Women’s Day (8th March) is being celebrated with special enthusiasm this year by members of the parties and organisations affiliated to the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI). It is a hundred years since
Latest Xenophobic Attack in South Africa: Build United Mass Movement to Fight Discrimination and Job
Latest Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa: Build United Mass Movement to Fight Discrimination and Joblessness The Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM), the Nigerian section of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI), condemns the wave of xenophobic attacks that has occurred in some parts of South Africa, precisely Pretoria West. These attacks have seen physical assaults of Africans, especially Nigerians, and
ERC Solidarizes with US Students’ Walkout on Trump Inauguration Day The Education Rights Campaign (ERC) declares solidarity for the United States (US) national students’ walkout, otherwise known as lecture boycott by the students movement here in Nigeria, to protest US president-elect Donald Trump’s racist, misogynist and vicious capitalist agenda for America. The walkout is taking place on Friday 20 January
GAMBIA: Election stalls in a stalemate! An end to Jammeh rule will offer relief but not a permanent respite unless there is a break with capitalism Workers and poor masses must be united in a struggle for a socialist Gambia! By Abbey Trotsky The Gambia presidential election held on December 1, 2016, has ended up in a stalemate despite producing
Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution Reports of activities of DSM/ERC branches commemorating the death of Fidel Castro Following the death of Fidel Castro at the age of 90 on November 25, 2016, there has been a renewed attempt to denigrate Fidel Castro and consequently the Cuban revolution and socialist ideas in general by pro-capitalist western media. There has been
Three day nationwide strike shuts down Sudan in unique defiance of Al-Bashir’s rule Escalation of the struggle needed to overthrow repressive regime Serge Jordan, Committee for a Workers International The streets and public squares of Sudan’s major cities were left looking deserted from their usual traffic and pedestrian frenzy as the country was shaken by three days of “civil disobedience”
Fidel Castro, leader of 1959 revolution, dies at 90 Castro’s life and the Cuban Revolution Tony Saunois, Committee for a Workers’ International Millions of workers and youth in Cuba and globally will mourn the passing of the leader, who along with Che Guevara, is most closely associated with the 1959 Cuban Revolution. At the same time, the forces of capitalist
ANC in Crisis 3 August local elections – a decisive turning point Socialist mass workers party needed Weizmann Hamilton Workers & Socialist Party (WASP) Executive Committee The 3 August municipal elections and the student protests have confirmed our perspective following the Marikana massacre: “The battle lines [have been] drawn for colossal struggles to come … the political reverberations will continue
Ethiopia: A year of growing revolt Desperate regime responds with massive repression Per-Ĺke Westerlund, Rattvisepartiet Socialisterna (CWI in Sweden) More than 500 have been killed by Ethiopian state forces and thousands jailed. But this massive repression has not, however, stopped the growing mass revolt in Ethiopia. In early October, the regime declared a state of emergency and closed down the
MUGABE MUST FALL! Mass revolt shakes the regime to its foundations Workers and Socialist Party (CWI in South Africa) Executive Committee statement The Workers and Socialist Party salutes the youth and workers of Zimbabwe for their courage and determination in standing up to Mugabe’s Zanu-PF dictatorship. We condemn the statement by ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe that the rising up
FREE 15 JAILED BUEA ACTIVISTS AND OTHER POLITCAL PRISONERS IN CAMEROON! Drop all Charges Protest to the Cameroon government The Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM) – the Nigerian affiliate of the Committee for a Workers International (CWI) – has been informed that on Sunday 17 July, 15 activists fighting for the self-determination of the English-speaking Southern Cameroons were arrested by the
#BLACKLIVESMATTER: RACE STRUGGLE OR CLASS STRUGGLE? By Omole Ibukun The recent killing of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling in the hands of the police and the vengeful killing of five police officers alongside two other civilians by a black army veteran, Micah Xavier Johnson, after a protest over the killing in Dallas, have taken the #BlackLivesMatter to a new height
Support the struggle of the Zimbabwean people! For the unity of the working class, the poor and the youth across Southern Africa Release Pastor Evan Mawarire and all political prisoners Mass action to break Mugabe’s economic blockade The people of Zimbabwe refuse to suffer the rule of Mugabe and his cronies any longer. They are rising up in protest at
Justice for Philando – Stop Repression of Nonviolent BLM Activists By Chris Gray, Socialist Alternative (CWI in the USA) The Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA – After days of escalating protests in Minnesota following the police killing of Philando Castile, the Ramsey County Attorney has charged 48 people, including two members of Socialist Alternative MN, with gross misdemeanor rioting for participating
Ethiopia Hunger and deadly repression Crisis for imperialism and a fight-back from below Per-Ä‚ke Westerlund, Rattvisepartiet Socialisterna (The DSM’s sister party in Sweden) Ethiopia has in recent years experienced perhaps the strongest economic growth in the world. The winners have been the dictatorial regime, its allies and multinational corporations. If a certain layer in society has an increased purchasing capacity,
Africa – New political storms and mass struggles Opportunities will arise for working class and poor to organise CWI 11th World Congress Document The following document on sub-Saharan Africa was initially drafted in December 2015 and finalised after discussion and amendment at the Committee for a Workers’ International’s (CWI) 11th World Congress held in January 2016. The very successful week-long
DSM National Meeting Discusses the World Situation By Wole Olubanji Engels At the DSM’s October 24/5 national meeting Robert Bechert, a member of the International Secretariat of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI), led a discussion on the world situation. The world may be a large entity, but there is a similar pattern of capitalist crises across the entire
BURKINA FASO: Mass Revolt Foils Coup Independent Working Class Political Solution Urgently Needed Abbey Trotsky, DSM It was barely a year ago that a mass movement of working people and youths forced Blaise Compaore, the long-time dictatorial ruler of Burkina Faso, to abdicate power. Since then, there has not been any serious political event in the landlocked country that has
International Refugee Crisis Defend the right to asylum Unite against austerity and struggle for a better life for all Robert Bechert, Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) Millions upon millions displaced, forced to flee, living in appalling conditions, facing brutality from state forces and sectarian militias while putting their lives at risk as they seek safety; this is the reality