Democratic Socialist Movement

For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism in Nigeria

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DSM 21st Congress Holds

DSM 21st Congress Holds Discussions Centred on Perspectives for Building a Working Class Political Alternative H.T Soweto From both a political and organisational point of view, the Congress of the Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM) held on Saturday 5 to Sunday 6 October 2013 was a great success. About 80 delegates and observers representing 17 branches attended the Congress. Comrades at

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NIGERIA: Capitalist Crisis and the Socialist Alternative

NIGERIA: Capitalist Crisis and the Socialist Alternative Resolution on Nigeria Situation: DSM 21st Congress 2013 Segun Sango leading the discussion on Nigerian situation, DSM congress 2013, photo DSM Nigeria is caught up at a cross-road: between the road to revolutionary change and that of ethno-religious conflagration. In the present and coming period, the task of socialists is to campaign consistently

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Document on World Relations

Document on World Relations DSM 21st Congress resolution Global capitalism is in its worst crisis since the 1930s with every nook and cranny – on the basis of the greatest ever integration of the world into capitalist orbit – feeling the pinch of the crisis. The few countries which have enjoyed growth, like China and Brazil, are no longer confident

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BUILDING SPN TO MEET THE ASPIRATION OF THE WORKING MASSES DSM 21st Congress Resolution The Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM) passed a resolution to form the Socialist Party of Nigeria (SPN) in the National Committee meeting held on April 14 & 15 2012 with the aim of putting forward a political alternative for the Nigerian working masses that could stand in

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Programmes and Projections for the DSM Student Wing

Programmes and Projections for the DSM Student Wing DSM 21st Congress 2013 students wing meeting on October 4, photo by DSM In the last few years, our organization has been striving to ensure that new layers of ideologically and politically prepared comrades and cadres capable of playing major roles in expanding our frontiers in the Student movement are raised across