Democratic Socialist Movement

For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism in Nigeria

By - DSM

Minimum Wage: Labour Must Declare a Two-Day Warning Strike and Mass Action

Minimum Wage: Labour Must Declare a Two-Day Warning Strike and Mass Action By Peluola Adewale The Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM) calls on the leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) to ensure that the struggle for the implementation of the modest new minimum wage go beyond mere propaganda which seems to be the prevailing approach

By - DSM

18 years After June 12: What lessons for the working masses today

18 years After June 12: What lessons for the working masses today By Alfred Adegoke From the June 2011 Osun state Special edition of Socialist Democracy No thanks to the Babangida/Abacha military juntas which some 18 years ago annulled the June 12 1993 presidential elections results won by the business mogul, Chief M.K.O Abiola who later died in the Abdul

By - DSM

OYES! Yes but not under slave conditions

OYES! Yes but not under slave conditions By Kola Ibrahim From the June 2011 Osun state Special edition of Socialist Democracy When the new Osun State government established a youth employment scheme tagged OYES which immediately employed what the government called 20,000 volunteers comprising graduates of universities, polytechnics and colleges of education, and secondary school leavers, everybody welcome this development.

By - DSM

O.A.U: In The Midst of Attacks on Students’ Democratic Rights, Education Rights Campaign (ERC) Holds

O.A.U: In The Midst of Attacks on Students’ Democratic Rights, Education Rights Campaign (ERC) Holds Successful June 12 Symposium From the June 2011 Osun state Special edition of Socialist Democracy The Education Rights Campaign (ERC), Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) branch, organized a symposium to mark the 18-year anniversary of June 12 masses’ struggle against military rule in Nigeria. The symposium

By - DSM

Minimum Wage:

Minimum Wage: Labour Must Declare a Two-Day Warning Strike and Mass Action By Peluola Adewale The Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM) calls on the leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) to ensure that the struggle for the implementation of the modest new minimum wage go beyond mere propaganda which seems to be the prevailing approach

By - DSM

18 years After June 12: What lessons for the working masses today

18 years After June 12: What lessons for the working masses today By Alfred Adegoke, from the June 2011 Osun state Special edition of Socialist Democracy No thanks to the Babangida/Abacha military juntas which some 18 years ago annulled the June 12 1993 presidential elections results won by the business mogul, Chief M.K.O Abiola who later died in the Abdul

By - DSM

OYES! Yes but not under slave conditions

OYES! Yes but not under slave conditions By Kola Ibrahim, from the June 2011 Osun state Special edition of Socialist Democracy When the new Osun State government established a youth employment scheme tagged OYES which immediately employed what the government called 20,000 volunteers comprising graduates of universities, polytechnics and colleges of education, and secondary school leavers, everybody welcome this development.

By - DSM

O.A.U: In The Midst of Attacks on Students’ Democratic Rights, Education Rights Campaign (ERC) Holds

O.A.U: In The Midst of Attacks on Students’ Democratic Rights, Education Rights Campaign (ERC) Holds Successful June 12 Symposium From the June 2011 Osun state Special edition of Socialist Democracy The Education Rights Campaign (ERC), Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) branch, organized a symposium to mark the 18-year anniversary of June 12 masses’ struggle against military rule in Nigeria. The symposium