Democratic Socialist Movement

For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism in Nigeria

By - DSM

South Africa: Public sector workers in mass fightback

South Africa: Public sector workers in mass fightback In what the South African independent television channel, ETv, described as the biggest strike since 1994 (the year the ANC government came to power), the overwhelming majority of South Africa’s one million public sector workers started an indefinite mass action campaign in support of a 12% salary increase on Friday 1 June.

By - DSM

Fuel Price, VAT: Workers and Poor Masses Must Resist the Increase

DSM PRESS STATEMENT Fuel Price, VAT: Workers and Poor Masses Must Resist the Increase The Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM) strongly condemns the recent fuel price increase from N65 to N75 per litre. We call on labour and pro-masses organisations to lead workers and poor masses to resist this new increase. The immediate past Obasanjo government just two days prior to