Democratic Socialist Movement

For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism in Nigeria

By - DSM

World Relations

Resolution on World Relations


Kola Ibrahim leading discussion on world relations at the DSM NC April 2014 , photo DSM

Kola Ibrahim leading discussion on world relations at the DSM NC April 2014 , photo DSM

Since the last Congress of this organization, global capitalist relations have continued to show that the only guarantee capitalism can offer humanity is barbarism. More than ever before, working and poor people are compelled to search desperately for solutions to the quagmire and misery the capitalist system has plunge them into. From the centre of global capitalism, the USA, to economically battered Europe, to the Latin America and Africa, working and oppressed people are confronted with the task of overthrow a system that, in spite of the enormous human, material and technical potentials to make humanity happy, has meant more suffering for majority. The question of what political programmes are needed to overcome the terrible problems capitalism has created for humanity will be the battle cry of working and oppressed people in the coming struggles. As an internationalist revolutionary movement, we must realize that understanding the current state of global capitalist relations is vital for the building of a viable movement that can respond adequately and correctly to issues arising from class struggles in the current epoch.

World Economy: Recovery of Misery

While capitalist pundits and leaders want the world to believe that there is already light out of the economic darkness neo-liberal capitalism has plunged humanity to since 2008, the reality is that, for the majority working and oppressed people, misery and want is the definition of the so-called recovery.

In the United States where the Obama government claimed there is recovery from the global capitalist crisis, unemployment, underemployment and poor wages still define the economy. While there seems to be stability to the level of unemployment (i.e. unemployment has not witnessed the previous constant rise), the fact is that this is just a side of the story. For instance, “the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in 2013 that the number of college graduates working minimum-wage jobs in 2012 was 71% more than in 2002, and more than twice as many as had been in 2006, before the Great Recession.” For the people of colour, the situation is bleaker. According to a report released recently by the Chicago Urban League, unemployment rate of black male teenagers in the city of Chicago is at an astounding 92%, while nationally 83% of black males aged between sixteen and nineteen are unemployed.

While the Obama administration continue to trumpet economic recovery, the employment market still remain very weak, while more than 50 million Americans are in poverty. Yet, the farm bill agreed to by the two main capitalist parties in the Congress, is cutting $8 billion from the food stamp which will see up to $90 cut per month on food stamp. This is coming at a time when more people are in poverty. On the other hand, the big CEOs continue to declare huge profits, with an average CEO collecting more than $8000 per hour. Reflecting the contradiction of capitalism, while economic recovery means huge profits for big corporations, it has meant growing misery for the majority. The $10.10/hour minimum wage been proposed by Obama for federal contract workers, and his support for a bill in the Congress to make the same amount the national minimum wage, still fall short of reasonable minimum wage needed to make economic recovery for the majority. The Socialist Alternative party, the sister organization of the DSM in the US, is raising a campaign of $15/hour minimum wage, as a start. It is not accidental that the economic recovery has been weak, as spending ability of the majority of the population, which should propel the economy, has plunged. Therefore, the so-called recovery is premised on weak foundation of increasing exploitation of the working people, and reliance on huge government support since the crisis began in 2008.

If the US economic is still anemic, the European situation is actually bleaker. From Britain to France, Spain, Italy, Greece, etc, the global economy crisis has refused to go away despite the dreamy wish of capitalist rulers.

While Bank of England predicted a 3.4% growth rise for 2014, this in itself will only leave the economy marginally better than 2008. In fact, the market consensus of 2.6% growth rate seems more reasonable than the Bank’s optimistic forecast. Currently, the British economy is 2% below the 2008 peak, while manufacturing is down by whooping 9%. However, for the vast majority of the population, the end is not in sight for the economic gloom. For instance, real wage, adjusted for inflation has fallen by more than 7% since 2012, while, according to the government, it will take another four years for the real wage to return to the pre-crisis level. Indeed, in the boom years, the working class lost so much to the capitalist class. For instance, between 2000 and 2007, average wage rose by 0.43% for every 1% rise in the national output, which is much less than 0.89:1 ratio in the 1990s, and almost 1:1 ratio in the 60s and 70s. More than eight million do not have enough jobs, while over 60% of the workforce is classified as low skilled. Behind all this is the decline in the British capitalism, especially since the adoption of the neo-liberal capitalism. For instance, manufacturing industry that should drive the economy has declined, accounting for only 12% of national output as against 25% in 1980. This is a product of rabid pursuit of ultra-free market policies, which were started by the Thatcher government in the 1980s, but have been turned into an article of faith by successive governments and all the capitalist parties.

In France, the latest local elections that saw whipping of the ruling Francois Hollande/PS government is a reflection of the economic crises that the working people have continued to face, in spite of all attempts by the capitalist pundits to paint a pretty picture. The mere fact that unemployment has reached a record high of 3.3 million (4.9 million if the part-time workers, needing permanent work are added) is enough to underscore the failure of the government. In spite of the gloomy situation facing the working and poor people, the PS government has implemented a 15 billion-euro worth of austerity, at a time when nearly 3 million children live in poverty. If the situation in France and Britain are piteous, the mass movement in Spain against continued economic deprivation shows that capitalism has nothing to offer working and poor people. With over 1.2 million people marching on the streets of Madrid, on the 22 March, demanding “bread, jobs and housing for all”, no one needs a soothsayer to confirm the dire situation many young and working people are facing. In Greece, notwithstanding a break in mass struggles, the economy has not fared better. “Wage earners have lost 50% of their purchasing power since 2009. Unemployment is officially 28% and youth unemployment 61.4%. Half of all hospital beds are being closed down” while more people continue to sink into poverty. The government on the other hand, has not stopped the deadly austerity measures handed down by the troika. Meanwhile, despite all the poisonous economic pills, the debt is still around 174% of the GDP – a clearly unsustainable debt. This clearly shows that there is no end in sight for the working and poor people in Greece, as long as capitalism continue to prevail.

The general picture in Europe is that of ever-evolving crisis. Over 1.6 million youths are in part-time work in Italy, according to government sources, while another 9 million workers in Germany, most of whom in what is called mini-jobs, are working for less than 8.5 Euros an hour. The German economy that is buoying most of Europe’s economy is itself depending more and more on China, as German exports to China have grown by more than 100% in the past one and half years. Meanwhile, the Chinese economy is itself showing signs of default. The debt crisis is growing while the turbo-growth is slowing down seriously, with dangerous consequences for not just China, but the world economy.

The never-ending crisis in the advanced economies is a lesson to the people of Africa and Latin America, where western-styled economic prescriptions are propounded as solutions to the chronic underdevelopment of the neo-colonial world. Indeed, the economic underdevelopment in Africa is a product of the imperialist plundering of its economy by the global finance capitalism in collusion with corrupt African ruling class. The so-called South Africa’s economic growth is nothing but façade as far as working and poor people’s conditions are concerned. A staggering 8.6 million people are unemployed while 3.3 million young people aged between 15 and 24 years, are not in employment, education or training.

Nigeria’s economy – the so-called biggest African economy – that predicted to grow by about 7% is a jobless economy, with unprecedented poverty and infrastructural decay defining the ‘growth’. Nothing exemplifies the crisis of unemployment than the death of score of young people during recruitment for jobs by government’s Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS). In the said recruitment, over 500, 000 people applied for less than 5, 000 jobs, a situation that led to stampedes – a reflection of the desperate conditions facing the young people. More than 24% of the population is jobless, while some estimate put it at more than 40%. The so-called rebasing of the GDP that has seen Nigerian economic expanding by over 80 percent has further exposed the contradiction of Nigerian economy, as the growth saw manufacturing, which creates mass jobs, rising by mere 3% within almost a quarter of a century, while service sector that includes leisure industry and create low jobs increasing to as much as 50%.

Ghana’s so-called unprecedented growth rate of 13.6 percent has actually meant only 5,000 out of 70,000 graduates, who are thrown onto labour markets yearly, find job, while rising inflation has meant the economic boom is really a doom for majority. Angola, one of the world’s ‘fastest growing’ economy, and the second largest crude oil producer in Africa, has two-third of the population living below $1.25 dollars a day, and just 25 percent of the children in school.

The various capitalist policies and unbridled corruption of the continent’s ruling classes have pushed the continent to brink of barbarism with the continent, comprising just 12 percent of world population, accounting for 57 percent of women dying at childbirth, and 49 percent of infant mortality in the world. The situation of Africa, on the basis of capitalism, will never generate any hope, unless working and oppressed people of the continent overthrow the iniquitous capitalist system and enthrone a genuine democratic socialist system. With a united socialist confederation of Africa, the huge natural and human resources can be used to make living worthwhile for multiples of the current population of the continent.

The Global Political Crisis

A cross section of comrades at the DSM NC April 2014 , photo by DSM

A cross section of comrades at the DSM NC April 2014 , photo by DSM

The events in Ukraine have further shown the fragility of global capitalist political relations. The Russia-orchestrated breakaway of Crimea from Ukraine has further heightened the already fragile balance of world capitalism. The mass protests that sought end to economic misery were hijacked by pro-EU capitalist trends, including the far-right and nationalist groups. Russia’s exploitation of the nationality question in Ukraine to seek the breakup of the country has nothing to do with helping the Crimean people. On the other hands, the so-called western power opposition to the breakaway of Crimea has nothing to do with defending the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but an attempt to stop Russia from further upsetting the precarious applecart of global capitalism. Indeed, the history of western power, especially United States, does not give any moral authority to condemn Russia. The role of US in the breakaway of Kosovo from Serbia, and its ignoble roles in Iraq and Afghanistan are hard to forget. Actually, the aim of western power is to deepen their interests in the region, and undermine Russia’s influence. The nationalists and rightwing that took over from Yanukovich in Ukraine will never be able to improve the lots of the working and young people of Ukraine. Of course, on the basis of chronic economic dislocation, many Ukrainians saw hope in Europe. However, Europe could only offer more and more austerity. The situation in Greece is a warning to Ukrainians.

Moreover, Russia’s so-called interest is to draw Ukraine into its geo-political and economic orbit with a view to controlling its economy for its capitalist class. Only an independent platform of the working people can salvage the precarious situation in the country. As a result of the nationalist and ultra-right outlook of the elements that have taken over power in Ukraine, there is possibility of further breakup of the country, especially in the predominantly Russian-speaking eastern part of the country, where most of the heavy industries are located. Already, there is strong pro-Russia campaign in Donetsk. This can only accentuate the already grim economic and political situations. Only a working class political leadership can draw together all sections of the country around the demand for nationalization of the economy under democratic public ownership. Moreover, a working class government will address nationality question by giving rights of self-determination to every part of the country, without undermining the socialist economic construction.

However, the misplaced ‘revolution’ in Ukraine mirrors the latest cynical attempt of the global capitalist class to adapt their policies to emerging mass movement against the capitalist system, and in some instances to effect regime changes where capitalist interests are not secured. For instance, in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria, mass revolts that started on genuine movement of the people to overthrow corrupt regimes and effects positive change to the socio-economic situations, have been derailed no thanks to divisive roles of various sections of imperialist nations.

While living conditions have been worsened in a place like Tunisia, global finance capital is trying to re-enact the full-scale neo-liberal regime that led to the ouster of previous regime. Adoption of austerity like cut in subsidies on basics, are being advocated by international financial agencies as conditions for bailing out the economy. In Libya, Egypt and Syria, instability, human catastrophe and repression have defined the ‘revolutions’. In Syria, more than 120,000 people have been reported killed with more than a quarter of the population displaced. While all this is going on, the various imperialist forces in Washington and Kremlin continue to use Syria as theatre of regional control. The divisive and sectarian crisis, not to mention the economic quagmire, that have defined Libya in the recent time have shown that toppling regime is not enough in guaranteeing positive change. Indeed, imperialist intervention in Libya has played a vital role in the destabilization of the once-unified country. The attempt of the military junta in Egypt to repeat history ostensibly in a farcical manner, with the horrible prospect of emergence of Abdullahi Sisi – the military leader – in the coming elections shows that the revolution is on a long road to victory in the country. Interestingly, main imperialist countries have maintained a vivid silence over atrocities being perpetrated by the military-orchestrated regime, latest of which is the sentencing of close to 600 oppositionists, mostly Muslim Brotherhood members, to death over the death of a one police officer. Indeed, imperialism tacitly agrees that the emergence of the military will engender stability, even if on the carcasses of millions of Egyptians, which will allow imperialism and global capitalism to have easy rule.

More than ever before, the role of working class as an organized leadership of the mass movement has been further underscored by the developments in these countries. The reality is that the working class has not stamped its feet on the political process by leading the revolutionary movements. This has allowed various forces to take its places, and where there is no alternative, the ruling regimes to have field day. Even in Tunisia, where the labour movement is playing a decisive role in the political process, the leadership of the trade union movement has turned itself into an arbiter among various sections of the capitalist political classes. In Egypt, in spite of the atrocities perpetrated by the military-orchestrated ruling administration, the trade union leadership still identifies with the regime. in Libya, the trade union, while gradually evolving and discovering itself, especially with the rising strikes over working conditions (as seen in the oil workers’ strike), has not been fully developed to take decisive role in the political development by uniting the oppressed people together against capitalist rule and sectarian politics of various sections of rightwing political groups. In Syria too, the labour movement, on the basis of historical reality (just like Libya) and the enormous catastrophe the civil war has engendered, has been seriously weakened. However, after all solutions are tried without success, the working and oppressed people will discover their inherent power to survive. This is the lesson of history.

The imperialist adaptation of mass movement is also reflected in the rightwing-instigated and imperialist-supported ‘protests’ in Venezuela against the radical government of Maduro. These protests, which aimed at toppling the government, are hinged on instigating violence and instability with a view to justifying violent toppling of the government. This has the same trend with the military coup against the Salvador Allende government in 1973 and the attempted coup against Chavez in 2004. The ‘protests’ try to ape genuine mass revolts in other countries, especially Brazil, with the claim of worsening living conditions. It is true that on the basis of the inability of the Bolivarian government to go the whole hog in nationalizing the economy under working people’s control, the Venezuelan economy is responding to global capitalist pressure, which are reflected in soaring inflation and shortages. However, the role of the capitalist ruling class in engendering these economic crises as a prelude to political crisis is well known. The open support of the western and European capitalist governments for the ‘protests’ and condemnation of the regime without any condemnation of the fascist atrocities of the ‘protesters’, who included trained militia and foreign elements from such countries as Colombia, show the rabid interests of western imperialism to curtail the minimal radical measures of the Bolivarian regime in Venezuela. This clearly shows that there are no half measures to moving the society forwards. Any attempt to think that appeal can be made to the reasonability of the capitalist class and global imperialism, by limiting the extent of the radical measures, will only end in fiasco. Without nationalizing the mainstay of the economy under democratic control of the working class, and mobilizing the ranks of the working and oppressed people to the arena of politics, the regime may be isolated, and even lose lots of its mass appeals especially if at every crisis, it tends to capitulate to the capitalist class. The marginal victory of Maduro in the last election, where he won with some 50,000 votes, show the red alert.

Nothing exemplifies the neo-colonial situation of Africa than the civil war in South Sudan. This oil-rich country had independence votes in 2011 in which up to 99% voted to leave Sudan, as a result of years of oppression and suffering. This votes in January 2011 led to the creation of Africa’s and world newest nation, South Sudan in July 2011. However, reflecting the inability of capitalism to solve the problems that led to secession in the first place, just two years after independence, a civil war has broken out, along ethnic line. This civil war is a result of the deadly struggle for control of oil wealth by various factions of the ruling SPLM party. The ethnic strife that characterized South Sudan struggle with Sudan before independence has resurfaced, as various section of the ruling class line the masses behind themselves under ethnic cloak. The struggle within the ruling SPLM over the 2015 election has snowballed into an ethnic strife leading to killing of scores of working and poor people and displacement of several others. In a reflection of clear irony, hundreds of thousands who had voted to live in harmony in a new country are now showing willingness to leave the country. All this shows that it is not enough to seek self-determination, without resolving the economic distribution system. Behind the crisis in the ruling party is the struggle of who to control the lever of political power that distributes the $7 billion annual oil wealth. Only a socialist plan of production and distribution, where the resources of the country will be exploited for the maximum development of humanity, can self-determination make meaning. On the basis of capitalist economic relations, the various sections of the capitalist class will always exploit religious and ethnic divisions to raise stake in the struggle for control of wealth and means of production.

The role of Sudan in supporting the former rival, the Kiir leadership in South Sudan shows no altruistic intent, as the fall of the Kiir government would affect the royalty the el Bashir’s Sudan government is drawing from South Sudan, which in effect can burst out already brewing mass anger against deepening economic woes of the working and poor people. The Uganda government’s intervention, through mobilization of its military to the border with South Sudan, reflects its economic interests. South Sudan is a major trading partner of Uganda, earning Uganda $1.3 billion in 2013. These developments clearly shows the banality of the African nationalism, as the driving force behind any African ruling class’ role in other African country is the sustenance of their neo-colonial economic interests. Only a united working class can mobilize mass movement against capitalism, and unite the working and poor people around collective programmes for change.

Working Class Opportunities and Rightwing challenges

But it is not all gloomy pictures. For instance, while the working class is not yet strong enough to lead the mass movement for united struggle against capitalism in South Sudan, the strikes by health workers, telecommunication workers and university workers in April, September and October 2013, respectively are signs of things to come in terms of working class realizing its power.

Moreover, the recent development in South Africa, where out sister organization, DSM, through the newly formed Workers and Socialist Party (WASP), is providing political alternative for the working class and the oppressed in the forthcoming May 2014 elections, also show the prospect for the development of working class political alternative. The two decades of ANC rule in South Africa has shown the fact that it is not enough to defeat colonialists and apartheid regime; the question of underpinning economic ideology and programmes are vital. The abandonment of the radical economic programmes of the ANC which included nationalization of the economy, especially the mining sector, for the neo-liberal Growth Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) programmes has meant political disillusionment with the party, which on the basis of growing opposition to it, is fracturing.

This crisis is also reflected in the division and crises in the South African trade union movement, whose right wing leaders want to turn it into a cheerleading apparatus of the ruling, but corrupt, ANC government. The attempted forceful removal of the Secretary General of the COSATU, Zwelinizima Vavi, who is seen as passing critical comments on the ANC government, by the rightwing leadership, shows the reflection of the crisis in the political scene in the trade union movement. More than this, the decision of the powerful Numsa (metalworkers) union to withdraw its support for the ANC, and its decision to start the process of building a new socialist political formation, shows the growing quest for a political alternative to the ANC by the working class, which is reflected in the trade union movement. According to a recent poll, more than 67% of the population favours a new workers’ party. The formation of the WASP from the crucible of the massive struggle in the mining industry since the Marikana massacre in 2012 is meant to provide political alternative to the growing anger against the system. However, the Numsa leadership, in spite of open overtures from WASP and despite the party meeting the union’s criteria for support, has not drawn the correct conclusion of utilizing the party as the vehicle for working class political struggle in this May’s elections. Notwithstanding this, the party has gained supports from increasing section of the population especially the working class.

In Nigeria too, the lack of political alternative of the working class has placed the working class in the hands of various sections of the corrupt capitalist politicians as 2015 is approaching. The Labour Party, formed by labour leaders some decade ago has become a public toilet for all kinds of corrupt capitalist politicians, who use the party as a short-time restroom for their political sojourn. On a positive note, the DSM has been making positive effort towards building a political voice for the working people through the initiative of the Socialist Party of Nigeria, established in May 2012. Despite all obstacles placed on its way by the capitalist government through the undemocratic electoral guidelines that seek to prevent working people from establishing their own party, we have been able to pay the obnoxious registration fee of N1 million. We are not however oblivious of the fact that INEC, in conjunction with the ruling party will try to deny us registration, but we shall continue to use even such situation to popularize the struggle for a working people’s political platform.

While the South Africa is witnessing changes in the political situation, the close to 100,000 votes secured by Socialist Alternative (CWI supporters in the USA) candidate, Kshama Sawant, in the last council elections in Seattle, has shown the growing consciousness for a left-leaning political alternative by mass of working people in the most developed capitalist country in the world. The election, which saw Kshama winning the council seat was historic for socialists, as it shattered illusion in the two-party system. More than this, the election of two dozen independent labour candidates in Iowa, further shows the quest for political alternative. Sawant election has created a small political earthquake in the US. This explains why SA’s campaign for a $15/hour is gaining echo, with various sections of the capitalist class, especially in the political establishment, forced to respond to such campaign either directly or indirectly. As a socialist, Sawant has cut her emolument to less than 50 percent, while donating the rest to social movements. Aside leading the campaign for a $15/hour for workers, she has also served as a left voice against capitalist politics in the US. All this has led to growing interest in politics and socialist ideas by many Americans. For instance, Sawant’s response to Obama’s State of the Union Address attracted more than 70,000 viewers on YouTube. Moreover, the party, SA, has been growing, building new branches, and maximizing its cadres. This shows the gains that socialist ideas can get at a period of mass discontentment with capitalist political establishment. More than ever, building a political platform of the working people through a broad platform or clear-cut socialist platform (depending on the political situation) is more urgent now than ever.

The mass movements that have developed in such countries as Brazil show the growing mass anger against capitalist rule. Our sister organization, LSR in Brazil is playing important roles in these movements. Unlike the previous movements late last year, where anti-party consciousness was rife, more and more young and working people are searching for a political alternative.

The development in Europe has both positive and negative content. In Britain, as a result of past defeats, mass struggles by the working people have been in abeyance or at low level for now. However, the coming local elections, where the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition (TUSC), where the Socialist Party is playing important role, is fielding as much as 500 candidates, can provide opportunity to rekindle class struggle, both at industrial and political levels in the coming period. At the European level, the coming European elections in May have further shown the dicey political situation in the continent. While the left political trends are providing some form of alternative, the bankruptcy of the social democracy and the right wing, coupled with lack of strong working class political platform, not to mention betrayal of struggles by official trade unions, have given opportunity for nationalist and far right political platforms too to raise their ugly heads. This is also reflected in the various local political developments in Europe. For instance, the recent election in France saw the far-right FN (National Front), gaining as much as 6% of the votes and securing 14 mayoral seats, tripling its previous high points of the 1990s. In Greece, despite the crisis facing the far right, neo-Nazi New Dawn party, it still has an poll rating of 10% – though less than about 14% it was getting before, but still significant.

However, it is not all gloomy pictures. For instance, in Greece, there has been growing workplace occupation and self-running of factories e.g. in in northern Greece where workers have taken over running of the factory. While this may be a small measure, and looks like an Owenian activity, it has the tendency to register in workers’ consciousness, especially as the reality of a Syriza government in the next elections become more glaring. The total hatred for the current coalition government of the rightwing has shown that the next government will most likely come from Syriza. This will definitely raise the political consciousness of the working class, which will put enormous pressure on a Syriza government, especially if the government is not a coalition one, to go to the left.

Greece offers an example of the rhythm of struggle. In 2nd week of April, the country saw the 36th general strike since 2010, but while quite a number of workers went on strike hardly any at all demonstrated. Clearly the workers were again registering their opposition but they did not see the point of demonstrating again. One general strike after another will, without a perspective of struggle, simply exhaust the working class. This is one reason for the swing to Syriza, although the Syriza leaders are desperate not to form a government on their own, no longer do they call for a “government of the left” but a coalition of the centre-left, i.e. including openly capitalist forces. However the current rightward movement of Syriza leaders and experience of them in office may also raise the consciousness for self-organization, workplace occupation, and other radical actions of the working people. The current growing anti-fascist movement in Greece, in which our sister organization, Xekinima, is playing active role, can also become a vital political tool in the coming period, especially if there is early elections before 2016.

The human flood in Spain in 22 March in the March for Dignity shows the growing prospect for political alternative. This movement’s demands, which include the call for a general strike, show a shift from the previous anti-party mood of previous mass movements. The mass uprising too in Bosnia-Herzegovina is also in this direction.


More than ever before the current global economic situation, which has made the capitalist class clueless since 2008, has further made worse the global political crises. Mass revolts, revolutions and movements have become a major factor in the global political calculations. While there are still pockets of terrorist movements and activities, they seem to have taken a second position to the emerging mass movements. This situation poses challenges and opportunity for mass movements, including in Nigeria. It should be recalled that the January 2012 mass strikes and protests against hike in fuel prices, drew inspiration from global revolt movements such as revolts in the Middle East and North Africa, and Occupy Movements in North America and Europe.

As we said in our previous Congress Document on World Relation, “capitalism is in for a long drawn crisis, which some of its thinkers and practitioners have foreseen to last for up to four decades. This will be calamity for working and young people. If the last ten years is seen as the lost decade for the young people, it will indeed be worst for the coming period. Already, a quarter of youth globally are classified as NEETs ((Not in Employment, Education or Training), while in the last few years since the beginning of the crisis, more than 100 million people have been added to the population of the poor. Meanwhile, general population, especially in Africa and Asia is expected to rise (for instance, by 2050, Nigeria’s population is expected to outgrow that of US), with more than 60 percent of the population being young people. In these situations, the crisis of capitalism will generate more social tensions with young and working people being in the centre stage of the crises. On the other hand, the capitalist strategists are lost as to how to resolve current crisis either in the short- or long-term. They are themselves resorting to gambling and guess work, as seen in Japan’s Abe-conomics, China’s Liconomy, QEs, and the over-emphasis on unsustainable growth in third world. Reflecting the lack of trust of capitalists in their own solution, by 2020 there will be $900 trillion of financial assets worldwide, compared to $90 trillion of GDP, according to The Economist magazine. The result, according to the magazine “will be a world economy structurally awash with capital and a corresponding shortage of places in which it can be invested”.

Based on these realities, working and young people will not sit by and allow capitalism to destroy their future. Already, there is growing consciousness and general mistrust of capitalist parties. Working masses and youths, in search of genuine alternative have been switching support from one political group to the other. This will open up vista for genuine and consistent idea of socialism in the coming period, as working people come to the conclusion of need to rebuild their organizations. Mass political formations, of the left, will develop in the coming era, while interest in mass organizations will create audience for alternative idea. It is this process that Marxists in CWI hope to play active roles in the coming period.”

This prognosis is as true today as when it was written. However, without building a mass revolutionary platform, and rebuilding the mass organizations of workers and the oppressed, including and especially the trade union movement, defeats and betrayals in struggles of the working people can bring forward divisive tendencies such as growth in far right ideas, religious demagogy and racial cum ethnic jingoism. In Nigeria, the deadly politics being played by various sections of the capitalist political class towards 2015 has the capacity to throw the country into the abyss. The so-called biggest African economy status notwithstanding, Nigeria’s economy and society cannot engender any genuine and long-term positive change for the working and oppressed people, inasmuch as capitalism continues to prevail. This is why the task of building our organization and the SPN ideologically, politically and numerically becomes an important responsibility for all comrades. As global consciousness for change is widening amongst the working people and youths globally, there is the urgent need to deepen this consciousness towards a socialist transformation of the society.