Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM)

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Socialist Democracy September - October 2003



Comrade Samuel Tunji Olowokere, newly elected chairman of the Non Academic Staff Union (NASU), primary schools units in Ajeromi Ifelodun local government area, has had his victory dance cut short when six days afterwards he was issued a sack letter on the false pretext of a "reorganization exercise currently going on in the Local Government Education Authority (LGEA)".

This sack is a pure act of victimisation and intimidation against a staff who has never been found wanting in the discharge of his official duties. And it is clear to all that no reorganization exercise whatsoever is going on since Olowokere alone has been singled out. His sack is not unconnected to the fact that he was elected NASU chairman on 10 point cardinal manifesto aimed at turning the union around, to become more focused and committed to protecting and defending workers� right and to struggle for improvement in the welfare of staff. That he was sacked not before but after his victory in the election confirms this to be the real reason why the LGEA had him sacked.

In actual fact, he had been summoned by the educational secretary, Akpata, who had interrogated him and said that it was an act of subordination on his office and person for Olowokere to have become active in the politics of the union without prior consultation with him. This is highly unbecoming and a flagrant infringement of Olowokere's right and that of every other civil servant to belong to a union, partake in its activities, and to vote and to be voted for.

The DSM therefore calls on the LGEA to reverse their action and immediately recall Olowokere, without any loss of pay. Also, NASU and educational unions should take up the reinstatement campaign of Olowokere.

Send letter of protests and demanding his immediate recall now to:

Educational Secretary,

Ajeromi-Ifelodun Local Government

Education Authority,

Awodi-Ora School Complex,


Lagos State.



Socialist Democracy September - October 2003