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Socialist Democracy September - October 2003
Iraq:RESISTANCE TO U.S. OCCUPATION RISESBy Titi Salaam There is a growing resistance to the occupation of Iraq by the US, Britain and other imperialist forces. This is typified not only by the almost daily attacks on US soldiers but more significantly in mass demonstrations against the collapse of social and economic infrastructures, the shortage of water, electricity, brutalities by the occupation armies, the rise in crimes, etc. 77 US soldiers have been killed since George Bush officially declared an end to the war on 1st May, 2003. Hardly a week goes without a demonstration of thousands of Iraqis against the occupation. Guerilla Warfare The US forces are now facing a guerilla war. With ten to twenty serious attacks everyday, local US commanders admitted that the attacks were heavier than during the war, more carefully targeted and carried out more skillfully. The killing of Saddam son�s, Uday and Quray, on 22nd July notwithstanding, attacks on US and British forces, has continued to increase with two or more US troops being killed everyday. On August 7th, a car bomb, a new weapon in the Iraq conflict exploded outside the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad, killing 11 and injuring 65 people. On 19th August, a massive truck-bomb exploded outside the Baghdad headquarters of the UN, killing at least 20 and injuring over 100 people. This was a turning point, demonstrating the strength of resistance forces and the inability of the US dominated occupation to control and stabilize the situation. The UN is seen as an arm of US occupation in Iraq. Another round of about 20 people were killed by a car bomb in the Shiite holy city of Najaf . Among them was a leading Shia Moslem politician, Ayatollah Mohammed Esq Baqr al-Hakim. A Middle East correspondent, Robert Risk commended that "America's war of liberation is over, Iraq's war of liberation from the Americans is about to begin. In essence, the real and frightening story starts now". The chaos, water shortages, looting and general disintegration of Iraq, compounded by the massive bombing and shelling campaigns have reinforced the intense opposition to the US as an occupying force. There are widespread comments even in bourgeois press of the "inept" character of this occupation which saw troops standing by while widespread looting, robberies and intimidation unfold. The Iraqi middle class is in particular, who were supposed to be the most welcoming section of society, a firm social basis for a new regime, have become embittered by the post Saddam situation. An Imperialist Occupation Developments in the country since the US occupation has confirmed the position of genuine socialists and other pro-labour and anti-war activists that the war was solely waged to protect and advance the economic and strategic interests of US imperialism in Iraq and the entire Middle East. In a move reminiscent of colonial rule, US officials and their cronies now head ministries and other government agencies in Iraq. One of their key mandates is the dismantling of the state sector and the privatisation of major public companies particularly the vital oil industry. Tens of thousands of civilian workers and ordinary soldiers have been sacked. Under proposals from US companies such as Halliburton and Bechtel, Iraq's oil revenue will be utilised as security for billions of dollars of loans. These debts will be used by the US and imperialism in general to keep control of Iraq and steal her oil wealth. The dictatorship of Saddam has been replaced by exploitation and oppression by the multinational corporations and the occupying imperialist powers. On the basis of capitalism, the end of the Saddam regime and the US occupation will not bring genuine democracy and stability to Iraq. Contradictions such as national/religious antagonism long suppressed by the Saddam dictatorship have come to the fore. The Rise Of Islamic Fundamentalism For instance, in the absence of an independent working class movement against the US invasion, Islamic fundamentalism has become a major factor. Serious strategists of imperialism has already raised the fear that an Islamic government hostile to US and western interests could be elected in Iraq, contributing further to instability in the Middle East. So, in the final analysis, the US victory in Iraq has not solved any problem for imperialism or enhance regional or global peace contrary to the propaganda of Bush and company. Working People Alternative The crisis all over the world portrays the rottenness of the capitalist system. Lenin has once said that "capitalism is an horror without end". As long as the present system exists, there bound to be crisis all over the world. Capitalism is leading humanity to disaster. The profit ridden needs to be overthrown, we have to work towards changing the system. Socialists all over the world have a special duty to fight against the occupation of Iraq. We call for the withdrawal of all occupying forces. The transformation of Iraq is the task of the Iraqi people. The alternative to imperialism, capitalism and feudal and tribal exploiters is, in our view, a socialist revolution with the aim of establishing a socialist democracy, with a democratic planned economy under the democratic control of the working people, guaranteeing the right to self-determination for all national minorities. The struggle for socialism, moreover, has to be based on an internationalist perspective, supporting the struggle of workers, peasants and all other oppressed section of the society.
Socialist Democracy September - October 2003