Democratic Socialist Movement

For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism in Nigeria

By - DSM


3 YEARS AFTER, LASU FEE HIKE PROVOKES PROTESTS “The APC’s megacity agenda is a mega fraud to create a Lagos for the rich only. Megacity means Mega fees in LASU, it means Mega profit for the rich and Mega suffering for the rest of us. We in the ERC and the #SaveLASU movement have also decided to give them mega

By - DSM

Ban of Commercial Motorcycle in Niger State By the Govt. is Anti-people

Ban of Commercial Motorcycle in Niger State By the Govt. is Anti-people (By Dimeji Macaulay DSM, Niger State) The Niger State Government recently banned the operation of commercial motorcycle popularly called Kabu in the state. This deliberate attack on the right of youths and masses to livelihood in the state again shows the insensitivity of state government to the plight

By - DSM


AICOM COMMENCES MASS MOBILISATION OF RESIDENTS AGAINST EPILEPTIC POWER SUPPLY Disunity Amongst The Factionalised CDAs Undermines Campaign (By Chinedu Bosah Coordinator, AICOM) As power supply to Aboru-Ifesowapo community worsens, the residents have no choice other than to start mass mobilization of the community for a “No Payment of Bill Protest” until Power improves drastically. Power supply to the community has

By - DSM

ASUU STRIKE 2013: Lessons for Activists and Unions in the Education Sector

ASUU STRIKE 2013: Lessons for Activists and Unions in the Education Sector Vigilance Must Be Maintained To Ensure That The 2013 MOU is Implemented and the Promised Funds Are Not Looted. (By Hassan Taiwo Soweto, National Coordinator, ERC) Starting from July 1st 2013, University lecturers downed tools in a crucial struggle to reposition the public university system. The key demand

By - DSM

UNIPORT: Fee Hike can be defeated by United Struggle of Students and Workers

UNIPORT: Fee Hike can be defeated by United Struggle of Students and Workers (By Onwunalu Alexander) With the recent increment in school fees at the University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT), it is very clear that the Jonathan government has set out to undermine the gains of the last six-month strike action by Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) which won

By - DSM

ADMISSION FRAUD AT IBADAN POLY: An Ominous Sign Of Poor Funding Of Education!

ADMISSION FRAUD AT IBADAN POLY: An Ominous Sign Of Poor Funding Of Education! For A United Struggle Of Education Workers And Students For Adequately Funded Public Education (By Kabiru Saka, DSM, Ibadan Poly) One of the most recent ugly developments in the polytechnic this year is the case of the over Two thousand (2000) prospectus students of the institution whose

By - DSM

RIVERS’ STATE CRISIS: Working Masses Must Fight For Socialist Change

RIVERS’ STATE CRISIS: Working Masses Must Fight For Socialist Change (By Onwunalu Alexander) The last has not been heard of the political crisis ravaging Rivers’ state. Following the defection of Rotimi Amaechi from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to the All Progressives Congress (APC), a chain of dramatic events has continued to grip the state. The Rivers State Police Command

By - DSM

SOUTH AFRICA: Struggles Intensify As Election Draws Closer

SOUTH AFRICA: Struggles Intensify As Election Draws Closer Campaigning for WASP socialist alternative at May polls By Liv Shange, Democratic Socialist Movement (CWI South Africa) As South African President Jacob Zuma, last Friday, announced that the country’s next general elections will be held on May 7, this year, his regime was surrounded by dramatically intensifying class struggles. The same day,

By - DSM

JONATHAN’S FAILED WAR ON TERRORISM: A United Mass Movement Of The Working Masses Is Needed

JONATHAN’S FAILED WAR ON TERRORISM: A United Mass Movement Of The Working Masses Is Needed (By Ayo Ademiluyi) Nothing confirms the failure of the arm-twisting tactics that the Jonathan regime is employing in its war against terrorism than the protests that greeted his recent visit to Yola, Adamawa State, one of the hotbed of the Boko Haram insurgency in North-eastern

By - DSM

US: Huge Political Upset Created By the Election of Kshama Sawant

US: Huge Political Upset Created By the Election of Kshama Sawant By Joe Higgins, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) Member of Parliament Who would have imagined that in a major American city, at a post-election inauguration ceremony attended by 1,000 people, a new, directly elected Mayor and other members of the City Council would be completely eclipsed by the response

By - DSM


CASUALISATION IS ANTI-WORKER Dura Pack Workers Hold One-month Strike Against Casualisation And Unfair Labour Practices (By Chinedu Bosah, Publicity Secretary Campaign for Democratic and Workers’ Rights (CDWR) Casualisation is a condition wherein workers are made to work without regularized status and are subjected to employment insecurity that attracts little or no benefits in terms of emoluments, allowances etc. However, some

By - DSM


PLANNED SALE OF REFINERIES: Mass Campaign Against Privatization Urgently Needed (By Ayo Ademiluyi) The two industrial unions in the oil and gas sector, Nigerian Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) and the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) shelved an industrial action called over the planned sales of refineries in early January after drawing

By - DSM


NEW AUTOMOTIVE POLICY IS A TALL ORDER Massive Public Investment in Auto Industry and Research is the Way Out (By Chinedu Bosah) The automotive policy announced by the federal government on October 2, 2013 is a policy that failed in the 1970s. The government has not introduced any new workable strategy and plan other than to rely on the promise

By - DSM

ELECTRICITY PRIVATISATION: Electricity Crisis May Trigger Nigeria’s Next Uprising

ELECTRICITY PRIVATISATION: Electricity Crisis May Trigger Nigeria’s Next Uprising (By Kola Ibrahim) The chicken is coming home to roost. Months after the gargantuan fraud called privatization, Nigeria’s capitalist government and its big business partners cannot justify the privatization of the electricity utility company, PHCN to private sharks. Currently, power supply has not only been in its horrible state, it has

By - DSM

2014 BUDGET: Continuation of Jobless Growth

2014 BUDGET: Continuation of Jobless Growth (By Peluola Adewale) President Goodluck Jonathan government is deficient in many areas. But the capacity to gild the rot with the best of superlatives is not one of them. Freshly dished on our plate is the theme of the current budget proposal, “job creation and inclusive growth”. This perhaps is the government’s answer to

By - DSM


ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF CAPITALIST RULE IN NIGERIA (By Segun Sango, National Chairperson, Socialist Party of Nigeria (SPN) With its abundant human and natural resources, the present state of socio-economic and political paralysis, most especially manifested in unimaginable underdevelopment and mass misery of the vast majority of Nigerians, in all regions and sectors, provide an irrefutable proof of failure of