Democratic Socialist Movement

For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism in Nigeria

By - DSM

2012 Teachers’ Day

2012 Teachers’ Day Taking a stand for teachers and education On October 5, members of DSM participated at events marking this year World Teachers’ Day in Oyo and Osun states. We intervened with various leaflets, banners and our paper, Socialist Democracy (SD). In Oyo state, Abbey Trotsky, the state secretary of DSM, was the lead speaker at the public meeting

By - DSM

South Africa: ‘What are we doing about this government that is killing us?’

South Africa: ‘What are we doing about this government that is killing us?’ The struggle for a new mass workers’ party with a socialist programme Interview with Mametlwe Sebei, Democratic Socialist Movement, DSM (CWI South Africa) On 18 September, after six weeks of defiant strike action – when over 40 miners were killed by police acting on behalf of the