Democratic Socialist Movement

For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism in Nigeria

By - DSM

Recession, Recovery, Banks, and Bubbles – Workers Face Jobless Recovery Printer-Friendly

Recession, Recovery, Banks, and Bubbles – Workers Face Jobless Recovery Printer-Friendly Oct 28, 2009 By Alan Jones, Socialist Alternative (CWI in USA) The stock market reached the 10,000 mark in the middle of October. Wall Street investment banks like Goldman Sachs were preparing to dole out a record $140 billion in pay to their traders. If you only watch the

By - DSM


Campaign for Mass Based Labour Party (CMB-LP): LABOUR PARTY NATIONAL CONVENTION 2009 LABOUR PARTY FOR POWER IN 2011 Labour Party for Labouring Masses Open Up the Party for Mass Recruitment, Set Membership Target Trade Unions Must Actively Participate and Mobilise Rank and File Workers Contest Elections with Democratically Elected Credible Candidates This Labour Party Convention meets at a time of