Democratic Socialist Movement

For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism in Nigeria

By - DSM

Socialists and civil rights activists protest Channels TV closure

Socialists and civil rights activists protest Channels TV closure Peluola Adewale, Democratic Socialist Movement, Lagos Channel TV protest Friday, September 20, saw socialist and civil society activists picket the National Broadcasting Commission’s office in Lagos in protest at the government’s summary closure of the Channels TV station. The march on the NBC, which was organized by the Democratic Socialist Movement

By - DSM

Capitalist crisis

World economy Capitalist crisis Karl Marx was right Editorial from September 19 edition of The Socialist, weekly paper of the Socialist Party, CWI in England and Wales, and, at the end, comments by a prominent US economist who has come to the same conclusions, albeit from a capitalist standpoint, as the CWI regarding the crisis of the world economy. “It