Inferno in Ajegunle A Call for Provision of Decent and Affordable Housing for the Poor Masses About 200 houses were razed to the ground and two lives lost on the trail of a huge inferno. This is the latest, and indeed the worst, in the spate of the fire incidents that have almost become commonplace in some parts of Ajegunle,
KENYAN’S RIGGED PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: A TRAGIC AFRICAN PHENOMENON By Segun Sango On December 27, 2007, Kenyans voted in general elections to elect a new government. But as mostly happened in Africa, it is the ordinary Kenyans that instead got short changed. Against the run of public support and public opinion polls, President Kibaki, one of the 3 leading presidential candidates
Legitimacy in Governance Gani Fawehinmi Annual Lecture On January 15, the Ikeja branch of the Nigerian Bar association held its fourth al Gani Fawehinmi Annual Lecture in honour of the well known and respected civil rights lawyer and founder of the National Conscience Party. Among the invited speakers at this very widely reported event was Segun Sango, general secretary of
PROPOSED FUEL PRICE HIKE AND THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION Statement issued at a Joint Press Conference held by United Action for Democracy (UAD) and Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM) in Lagos on Monday, January 14, 2008 We have followed with keen interest the ongoing debate on fuel prices. In particular, we’ve studied closely, as reported in the media, the outcome of
Setting free imprisoned OAU student leaders By Lanre Arogundade & Adeola Soetan, Lagos, January 11, 2008 Although the reigning authorities in our alma mater, the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, would want the world to believe differently, the un-hidden truth is that they have chosen to have three students’ leaders imprisoned because they stood and acted boldly for independent unionism,