Democratic Socialist Movement

For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism in Nigeria

By - DSM

Region-wide revolution of the Arab people

North Africa/Middle East Region-wide revolution of the Arab people From, 21/02/2011, website of the committee for a workers’ international, CWI To fully succeed, revolutions need to go beyond framework of capitalism Peter Taaffe, from The Socialist, newspaper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales) “Ten days that shook the world” (Guardian). From Tunisia, to Egypt, to Bahrain, to

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Tunisia: ‘Caravans’ of the revolution converge on Tunis

Tunisia: ‘Caravans’ of the revolution converge on Tunis Army ordered to block roads as police join the movement Eyewitness account from CWI reporter in Tunis As we prepared to post this new account of developments in the Tunisian revolution, scenes of increasing defiance of the ‘interim’ government were being transmitted from the streets of Tunis. The army was ordered to

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Egypt: Revolutionary masses move to overthrow Mubarak dictatorship

Egypt: Revolutionary masses move to overthrow Mubarak dictatorship Regime deploys army on streets to try to crush mass movement Niall Mulholland, CWI Mass protests spread across Egypt following today’s Friday prayers, demanding an end to Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year presidency. Demonstrations took place in Alexandria, Suez, Mansoura, Sharqiya and Cairo. In many cases, clashes occured between protesters and police. Police deployed

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Tunisia Regime in turmoil

Tunisia: Regime in turmoil Mass popular uprising forced Ben Ali to flee the country Chahid Gashir, Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) Tunisia is a different country to the one it was a month ago. The powerful movement of revolt of the Tunisian masses has swept away the dictator President Ben Ali with lightning speed, testimony to the rage that

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Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast Presidential Election brings the country on the brink of full scale war and worsens the crisis of capitalism By Peluola Adewale That the November 28 run-off election in Ivory Coast has produced two presidents – Alassane Ouattara and Laurent Gbagbo – is not a surprise, though the working people had expected the election to usher a return of

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US: Two Years in Power – Obama Fails to Deliver

US: Two Years in Power – Obama Fails to Deliver Millions were hoping for radical change Tony Wilsdon, Socialist Alternative (CWI USA) Barack Obama: “You would be hard-pressed to identify a piece of legislation that we have proposed out there that, net, is not good for businesses…We are pro-growth. We are fierce advocates for a thriving, dynamic free market,” (,

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History: 70th anniversary of the assasination of Leon Trotsky

History: 70th anniversary of the assasination of Leon Trotsky Coming mass revolts will see workers and youth look to Trotsky’s ideas Peter Taaffe, General Secretary Socialist Party (CWI England and Wales) Seventy years ago the greatest living revolutionary of the time, Leon Trotsky, was murdered by Josef Stalin’s hit man Ramon Mercader. There had been a number of failed previous

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General Strike to support public sector workers

South Africa: Government threatens right to strike… General Strike to support public sector workers For class independence and workers unity! Cosatu out of the Tripartite Alliance Now! Build a Mass Workers Party on a Socialist Programme Pamphlet issued by the Democratic Socialist movement (CWI South Africa) A week into the public sector strike and it has become abundantly clear that

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South Africa: 1.3 million public servants in one-day warning strike

South Africa: 1.3 million public servants in one-day warning strike Longer strike may follow after negotiations on Thursday Liv Shange, Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM – CWI in South Africa) Approximately 20,000 workers marched in Tshwane and 15,000 in Cape Town on Tuesday, 10 August, as 1.3 million public sector workers, organised in the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu)

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G20 From stimulus to austerity at dizzying speed The G20 meeting in Toronto of the leaders of the main capitalist governments of the world demonstrated a complete incapacity to solve the huge problems that confront us, particularly those hardest-hit – the poor and the working class – by the economic crisis. Editorial from the Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party

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Football World Cup

Football World Cup Riot police attack workers’ protest at Durban stadium South African riot police fired tear gas on hundreds of security stewards protesting against wage cuts, 90 minutes after the match between Germany and Australia in Durban. website of the committee for a workers’ international, CWI “They’re giving us 205 rand [around €20]; we started at 12 noon

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South Africa wins the World Cup … of inequality

South Africa wins the World Cup … of inequality Let them eat cake – the ugly backdrop to the beautiful game by Sheri Hamilton, Weizmann Hamilton and Liv Shange From the website of the Democratic Socialist Movement (the CWI in South Africa): Nothing symbolises more graphically the ugliness that forms the backdrop to the beautiful game than all the

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2010 CWI May Day Statement

2010 CWI May Day Statement The fightback has just begun! For fighting unions and mass workers’ parties! For international solidarity and socialism! No to war and occupation! Support the Greek general strike against capitalism’s austerity! For a European-wide day of action on 5 May! Committee for a Workers’ International This is a”situation of war” – said Greek Prime Minister, Papandreou,

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Ireland – Murder of 15 year old Toyosi Shitta-bey

Ireland – Murder of 15 year old Toyosi Shitta-bey Communities must unite against racism Joe Higgins, Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) MEP Below we publish an article written by Joe Higgins MEP, who along with other Socialist Party (CWI in Ireland) members, has been heavily involved in the organisation of a united community protest in response to the tragic murder

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The Permanent Revolution today

The Permanent Revolution today Introduction to new Urdu edition of ‘Permanent Revolution’ by Leon Trotsky Peter Taaffe New introduction by Peter Taaffe to Leon Trotsky’s ‘Permanent Revolution’, which the comrades of Socialist Movement Pakistan (CWI) are to translate into Urdu and publish. What relevance does Trotsky’s Theory of the Permanent Revolution have to the problems of the workers’ cause or

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ABDULMUTALLAB: FOR A SOCIALIST ALTERNATIVE TO INDIVIDUAL TERRORISM AND CAPITALISM Peluola Adewale The failed attempt by Umar Farouk Abdul-Mutallab to blow up Delta Airline flight 253 from Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Detroit (US) on Christmas Day, December 25 2009 sent jitters around the world and triggered various measures to improve security at the airports and on flights. Huge amounts of tax

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Haitians abandoned, bankers rewarded

Haitians abandoned, bankers rewarded Earthquake disaster Fight for a socialist world Dave Carr, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) While desperate survivors in Haiti’s destroyed capital of Port-au-Prince tried to find food, water and shelter, US secretary of state Hillary Clinton breezed into the main airport for a photo opportunity, diverting aid relief flights which included a field hospital

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Bankers award themselves obscene ‘bonuses’

Bankers award themselves obscene ‘bonuses’ As the top bankers worldwide award themselves obscene ‘bonuses’ to feed their greed-fuelled, decadent lifestyles, the workers and poor people of Haiti suffer conditions of unimaginable horror. The billions of pounds, euros and dollars the banking fat cats are taking for themselves should be confiscated and used to meet the desperate needs of the injured,

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Haiti Disaster compounded by capitalism Niall Mulholland, Committee for a Workers’ International The humanitarian catastrophe that has befallen Haiti beggars belief. The powerful earthquake that struck on 12 January left many thousands dead, with estimates running to 200,000 and more. The flimsy slum dwellings in Port-au-Prince, the capital, collapsed, as did public buildings, including schools and hospitals. Many thousands are