Democratic Socialist Movement

For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism in Nigeria

By - DSM

Dialectical Materialism – The philosophy of Marxism to change the world

Though never claiming to be a crystal ball that allows us to see all aspects of future processes in their manifold possible forms, dialectical materialism provides a compass that allows socialists to understand events in their interconnectedness and most importantly, to intervene in them with a programme that can link immediate struggles to an explanation of the need for a

By - DSM

What We Stand For

DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST MOVEMENT (DSM) What We Stand For The Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM), the Nigerian affiliate of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI), has over two decades history of struggle. Formed by labour and student socialist activists, we had our founding conference in 1986. Because of the era of military dictatorship in which it was born, our organization was

By - DSM

About the Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM)

History The Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM), the Nigerian affiliate of the Committee for a Workers’ International, has already almost two decades long history of struggle. Formed by labour and student socialist activists we had our first, founding conference in 1986. Because of the era of military dictatorship in which it was born, our organisation was only semi-open between until July