Democratic Socialist Movement

For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism in Nigeria

By - DSM

AJEGUNLE: Evacuate heaps of dirt dredged from canals now!

The Socialist Party of Nigeria (SPN) – Ajeromi Ifelodun LGA – call on the Ministry of Health and Environmental Sanitation in Department of Ajeromi Ifelodun Local Government, to, with immediate effect, evacuate piles of dirt at both ways of canals in Okoya, Opeleye and other areas dug recently. These heaps of debris and dirt is harmful to peoples’ health residing in the neighborhood.

By Fidel Davinovich

We say this because of previous experience when residents were forced to levy themselves to evacuate these heaps of dirt due to government failure to complete project. The SPN welcome the initiative of dredging these canals. However, we fear that what happened in the past, when these canals were dredged, is what definitely want to happen. The so-called contractors, the local government awarded this contract will not complete the project.

SPN frowns at the manner at which the local government leadership uses public funds to execute private agenda.  Instead of equipping works department and using it to execute projects such as – the dredging of canals and other related social services. The Ayoola led government has continued to use its failed agenda of Public Private Partnership to execute projects that in many occasions are abandoned, and the fund earmarked for these projects are not accounted for.

Thus, for SPN, this has been the characteristics of the APC led administration at both State and the 20 local government including the 37 LCDA, whose agenda is to implement policies of PPP under the disguise of social projects, whereas, it is resolved at implementing capitalist agenda of profit orientation, meant to serve the interest of few individuals and private organizations. In recent time, this has been what is playing out in regard to the dredged canals in Ajeromi Ifelodun LGA.

To reiterate, the heaped dirt at both ways of these canals dredged, in any time soon, will slip back into the water, and residents in these areas shall dearly suffer from it because of government negligence to adequately evacuate the dirt.

We call on the residents to organize themselves with a view of signing a petition and staging a protest action to the local government secretariat to demand the evacuation of the dirt as well as regular dredging of canals and general sanitation and waste management.