DSM Ajegunle Holds Successful Public Meeting on “State of the Nation”
About 32 people turned up today, August 15, at a public symposium organized by the Ajegunle, Lagos, branch of the Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM) and Campaign for Democratic and Workers Rights (CDWR) at NUD Primary School, Arumoh, Ajegunle, Lagos.

The theme of the symposium was “State of the Nation and COVID-19 crisis: Any hope for working masses and poor?” Three speakers Comrade HT Soweto from the DSM/CDWR, Tonye Harry, Deputy President General of the Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) and Mrs Fateye Ololade, a Medical Representative, addressed the symposium.

At the end of the symposium, 6 copies of the Socialist Democracy, the DSM paper, were sold and a fighting fund of N33, 200 in pledges and donations was raised.
Comrades departed after a short review meeting with enthusiasm and renewed confidence in the prospect of socialist revolution.