Democratic Socialist Movement

For Struggle, Solidarity and Socialism in Nigeria

By - DSM

DSM National Centre Relocates to New Address

DSM National Centre Relocates to New Address

This is to inform all members, supporters and the public that the national centre of the Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM) has moved from 162 Ipaja Road, Agbotikuyo, Agege, Lagos to 49, Charity Road, New Oko-Ob,a Abule Egba, Lagos.

Agbotikuyo will be missed by many comrades and allies who have come to associate the DSM with that area of Lagos even though our branches and membership cut across the state and country. Indeed many admirers as well as political opponents often fondly, and otherwise, refer to DSM members simply as the “Agbotikuyo comrades”.

This is no surprise. Agbotikuyo was the national centre of the DSM for over 25 years. The tales of struggles of the last, nearly three decades in Nigeria can be hardly told without mentioning our Centre and its politically effervescent occupants. It was from that address that the DSM, then known as Labour Militant and later Militant, organized, mobilized and participated in the numerous struggles against military dictatorship and of course the general strikes and protests led by the labour movement against fuel price hikes, for minimum wage and against all anti-poor policies since the advent of bourgeois democracy.

It also housed for a long period the Lagos State Secretariat of the National Conscience Party (NCP), formed and led by late radical lawyer, Gani Fawehinmi, during the best moments in the history of that party.

The Centre was also a home to student activists being victimized on campuses, workers organizing struggles in their workplaces, youth in the community seeking radical ideas.

We intend to stick with this tradition at the new address. From the new national centre, we shall continue as usual to play our role in organizing and participating in the struggles of the working class and youth against all anti-poor policies while offering a socialist alternative to capitalism.

We are grateful to all comrades and supporters who responded to our appeal for donations which was what enabled us to secure the new premises.

Dagga Tolar
Acting General Secretary